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Shell Shockers Wiki
Shell Shockers Wiki

"The classic, high rate of fire, medium range, never jams"
―In-game description

Weapon - EggK-47



Eggk-47 Icon

Screenshot 2023-06-27 20.15

Eggk-47 holding full ammunition

The EggK-47 is an automatic rifle-like gun and is based on the AK-203 in real life which is a newer variant of the AK-47. It is one of three original guns in the game, it was originally named Soldier, but then Blue Wizard Digital changed its name (the other two being the Scrambler and the Free Ranger.) It is one out of two automatic weapons in the game, the other one being the Whipper (P90). The EggK-47 is generally used for mid-range or close-range combat due to its lack of accuracy in longer-range fights and its considerable damage capacity at close-range. When aiming, the gun zooms in without a scope. Its default skin is yellow, purple, blue, gray, and black, though more colors and skins are available through the shop. There are currently 61 EggK-47s.

The EggK-47 has the largest bullet capacity in the game, with 240 bullets at maximum capacity, compared to the Whipper's 200. Each magazine consists of 30 bullets. Each bullet carton picks up 30 bullets.

The EggK-47 has a rather low damage-per-second statistic and has a fast use of ammunition. However, the EggK-47 is extremely powerful when used in certain structures and tunnels. When properly used, can be used with stealth to sneak up and kill snipers. It is remarkably effective at area denial, making it one of the most useful guns in team modes. Many players believe that the Whipper is better than the EggK-47, as it has 40 rounds instead of the pared-down 30. While that is true, the EggK-47 has better accuracy and is more powerful than the Whipper at long range. Weapon skins don't alter player performance in any way.


Damage 30 - 2
Max Chambered Rounds 30
Max Stored Rounds 240
Ammo Pickup 30
Accuracy 0.96
Stability 0.37
Range 20
Scope FOV 0.9
Bullet Velocity 1.5

Gameplay Tips[]

  • The closer you are to the enemy, the higher odds you have of killing them.
  • The EggK-47 is better used as an ambush weapon, or a "sound bait", due to how loud it is when fired.
  • Burst-firing with the EggK makes the weapon extremely effective. Firing a couple shots with the EggK before pausing to allow the crosshair to refocus greatly boosts the EggK-47's long range capabilities, increasing the accuracy and consistently dealing more damage than simply spraying the entire clip at once. ADS, or scoping, makes burst-firing even better by making it easier to hit shots with the EggK-47.
  • The EggK-47 thrives at protecting high value targets on your team, and because of its high damage and excellent range, EggK-47 players are able to play independently as well.
  • In order to effectively fight Whipper players, make sure to burst them whilst scoping as they are approaching from medium range. This will make up for the lower DPS of the EggK-47.


# Name Image How to Obtain Notes Version Added
1 The Eggk-47
The Eggk-47
Added by default to your account (0.25.5-). Fun Fact: This default item skin replaced the old default skins. N/A
2 GOLD Eggk-47
GOLD Eggk-47
2000 Golden Eggs icon in Shop (0.14.31-). Sold in the shop. 0.14.31
3 Happy Bear Eggk-47
Happy Bear Eggk-47
5000 Golden Eggs icon in Shop (0.14.4-). Sold in the Shop 0.14.4
4 Halloween Eggk-47
Halloween Eggk-47
3000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (Halloween Event) Sold During The Halloween Event Anually 0.14.6
5 Thanksgiving Eggk-47
Thanksgiving Eggk-47
3000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (Thanksgiving Event) Sold During The Thanksgiving Event Anually 0.15.2
6 Christmas Eggk-47
Christmas Eggk-47
3000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (Christmas Event) Sold during the Christmas Update except 2024 which introduced the Holideggs Set. 0.15.6
7 New Year 2019 Eggk-47
New Year 2019 Eggk-47
3000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (New Year's Event) Sold During The 2019 New Years Event 0.15.6
8 Groundhog Eggk-47
Groundhog Eggk-47
3000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (Groundhog's Day Event) Sold During The Groundhog Event 0.16.0
9 Buck Rogers Eggk-47
Buck Rogers Eggk-47
Can be obtained by getting an item code for this item and redeeming it.

Won through Chick'n Winner (0.45.10 - 0.47.5)

Blue Wizard Digital and Content Creators occasionally do giveaways for this item.

Formerly, this item could be won through Chick'n Winner!

10 Valentines Eggk-47
Valentines Eggk-47
3000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (Valentines day) Sold During The Valentines Event 0.17.1
11 St Patricks Eggk-47
St Patricks Eggk-47
3000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (St Patricks Day Event) Sold During The St Patricks Day Event N/A
12 Easter Eggk-47
Easter Eggk-47
3000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (Easter Event) Sold During The Easter Event N/A
13 Flame Eggk-47
Flame Eggk-47
Can be obtained by getting an item code for this item and redeeming it.

Won through Chick'n Winner (0.45.10 - )

Previously available through notifications.

Blue Wizard Digital and Content Creators occasionally do giveaways for this item.

14 Rainbow Eggk-47
Rainbow Eggk-47
10000 Golden Eggs icon in Shop

Won through Chick'n Winner (0.45.10 - 0.47.5)

Sold in the Shop N/A
15 Steampunk Eggk-47
Steampunk Eggk-47
10000 Golden Eggs icon in Shop (N/A - ) Sold in the Shop N/A
16 Memphis Eggk-47
Memphis Eggk-47
7500 Golden Eggs icon in Shop (0.23.3A - ) Fun Fact: Added For Shell Shockers 3rd Birthday

Sold in the Shop

17 Eggwalker Eggk-47
Eggpire Eggk-47
12500 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (The Fall of Eggwalker)

Can be obtained by getting an item code for this item and redeeming it.

Sold During The 2019 The Fall of Eggwalker Event 0.26.0
18 Nuke Zone Eggk-47
Nuke Zone Eggk-47
7500 Golden Eggs icon in Shop

Won through Chick'n Winner (0.45.10 - 0.47.5)

Fun Fact: This item is based on old Blue Wizard Digital game, Nuke Zone.

Sold in the Shop

19 New Year 2020 Eggk-47
New Year 2020 Eggk-47
3000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (New Year's Event) Sold During The 2020 New Years Event 0.26.2
20 Country Singer Eggk-47
Country Singer Eggk-47
100000 Golden Eggs icon in Shop (0.26.3 - ) Sold in the Shop 0.26.3
21 Albino Eggk-47
Albino Eggk-47
Can be obtained by getting an item code for this item and redeeming it.

Won through Chick'n Winner (0.47.5 - )

Blue Wizard Digital and Content Creators occasionally do giveaways for this item. 0.26.3
22 Raid Land Eggk-47
Raid Land Eggk-47
Can be obtained by getting an item code for this item and redeeming it. Previously, you could buy this for 6500 Golden Eggs icon in the shop. (0.27.3)

Fun Fact: Added for the celebration of an old Blue Wizard Digital game, Raidland going on steam. No longer available in the item shop

23 Toxic Eggk-47
Toxic Eggk-47
7500 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (0.27.5-) Sold in the Shop 0.27.5
24 Music Eggk-47
Music Eggk-47
Can be obtained by getting an item code for this item and redeeming it.

8000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (Droppin' Mad Beaks Event)

Sold During The 2020 Droppin' Mad Beaks Event 0.27.8
25 Galeggsy Eggk-47
Galeggsy Eggk-47
Can be obtained by getting an item code for this item and redeeming it.

7500 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (Galeggsy Event-)

Sold During The 2020 Galleggsy Event 0.28.2
26 Chicken Eggk-47
Chicken Eggk-47
3000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (Chicken Event-) Sold During The 2020 Chicken Event 0.28.4
27 Techno Eggk-47
Techno Eggk-47
Can be obtained by getting an item code for this item and redeeming it. Previously, if you had the VIP pass you received this item, you can also buy this for 10$ USD in the shop during Version 0.35.

Fun Fact: The word "Pog" is said each time a bullet is shot which can be heard by everyone in a close vicinity to the gun. The word is said by nateschmold (discord username); a staff member of Blue Wizard Digital and developer of Shell Shockers. Pretty cool, huh?

28 New Year 2021 Eggk-47
New Year 2021 Eggk-47
3000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (New Year's Event) Sold During The 2021 New Years Event 0.36
29 Car Eggk-47
Car Eggk-47
7500 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (0.39.7-) Sold in the Shop 0.39.7
30 Merc Zone Eggk-47
Merc Zone Eggk-47
7000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (0.40.0-) Fun Fact: This item is based on old Blue Wizard Digital game, Merc Zone.

Sold in the Shop

31 Summer Eggk-47
Summer Eggk-47
3000 [[File:Golden Eggs icon.png|10px|link=Golden Eggs] in the Shop (Summer Event) Sold During The 2021 Summer Event 0.40.2
32 Pencil Eggk-47
Pencil Eggk-47
2000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (Back To School Event) Sold During The Back To School Event 0.40.6
33 New Year 2022 Eggk-47
New Year 2022 Eggk-47
3000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (New Year's Event) Was Sold During The 2022 New Years Event 0.42.1
34 Cards Eggk-47
Cards Eggk-47
1520 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (2022 EGG ORG Event) Sold During The 2022 Egg Org Event 0.42.8
35 Retro Eggk-47
Retro Eggk-47
Can be obtained by getting an item code for this item and redeeming it. Previously, if you had the VIP pass you received this item, you can also buy this for 5$ USD in the shop during Version 0.42.9.

Fun Fact: A retro sound is created each time a bullet is shot which can be heard by everyone in a close vicinity to the gun.

36 Dino Eggk-47
Dino Eggk-47
5000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (Dinosaur Event) Sold During Dinosaur Event 0.42.10
37 Valkyrie Eggk-47
Valkyrie Eggk-47
$5 USD in the Shop (0.42.11-) Always avaliable in the shop after Version 0.42.11. 0.42.11
38 Eggpire Eggk-47
Eggwalker Alt Eggk-47
12500 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (The Fall of Eggwalker) Sold during the 2022 Eggpire Strikes Back Event 0.42.13
39 SPORTS Eggk-47
SPORTS Eggk-47
2500 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (Sports Event) Sold During The 2022 Sports Event 0.42.14
40 Breakfast Eggk-47
Breakfast Eggk-47
1500 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (Breakfast Event) Sold During The 2022 Breakfast Event 0.42.16
41 New Year 2023 Eggk-47
New Year 2023 Eggk-47
3000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (New Year's Event) Sold During The 2023 New Years Event 0.43.4
42 Farm Eggk-47
Farm Eggk-47
3000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (Farm Event) Sold during the 2023 Farm Event 0.45.0
43 Fusion Eggk-47
Fusion Eggk-47
$5 USD in the Shop (0.45.0-) Always avaliable in the shop after Version 0.45.0. 0.45.0
44 Hero Eggk-47
Hero Eggk-47
3000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (Egg Org and Eggventure Event) Sold during the EGG ORG & Eggventure Event.

A kill with this weapon would push the needle towards the Heroes side of the meter on the homepage.

45 Monster Eggk-47
Monster Eggk-47
3000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (Egg Org and Eggventure Event) Sold during the EGG ORG & Eggventure Event.

A kill with this weapon would push the needle towards the Monsters side of the meter on the homepage.

46 Equinox Eggk-47
Equinox Eggk-47
3000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (Equilibrium Event) Sold during the 2023 Equilibrium Update and 2025 We're So Back! Update 0.45.9
47 Paintball Eggk-47
Paintball Eggk-47
10000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (Sports Event) Sold during the 2023 Eggstreme Sports Update 0.45.10
48 Kart Eggk-47
Kart Eggk-47
2500 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (The Kart Event) Sold during the 2023 Kart Update 0.45.11
49 BWD Eggk-47
BWD Eggk-47
Can be obtained by getting an item code for this item and redeeming it. Previously, you could earn this item by watching the Shell Shockers category on Twitch for 1.5 Hours during Twitch Drops. More info on the Twitch Drops page. 0.45.12
50 Infernal Eggk-47
Infernal Eggk-47
$4 USD in the Shop (0.46.2-) Always avaliable in the shop after Version 0.46.2. 0.46.2
51 Ancient Eggk-47
Ancient Eggk-47
2000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (Temple of the Sun Event) Sold during The Temple of the Sun Event 0.46.2
52 Holideggs Eggk-47
Holideggs Eggk-47
3000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (Christmas Event) Sold during the Happy Holideggs Update

Fun Fact: The old Christmas Skins were retired and these new coloured skins were brought in, hence why they still remain as the old gun skins appearances.

53 2024 Eggk-47
New Year 2024 Eggk-47
3000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (New Year's Event) Sold during the 2024 Eggstravaganza Update 0.46.5
54 Racer Eggk-47
Racer Eggk-47
25000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (0.46.6-) Added as a permanent item in the shop during the Racer Event.

Fun Fact: it was created by a Blue Wizard Digital Server member, tz (Discord username); a Shell Shocker Leaks staff member.

55 Chocolate Eggk-47
Chocolate Eggk-47
$5 USD in the Shop (Easter Event)

Can be obtained by getting an item code for this item and redeeming it.

Previously, if you had the VIP pass you received this item, you can also buy this for 5$ USD in the shop during Version 0.42.9. 0.47.4
56 Mecha-Eggk-47

Won through Chick'n Winner (0.45.10 - )
Added in the 2024 Egg Org Update

Fun fact: This is the first premium EggK-47 that can be won in Chick-n-Winner!

57 MenoXD Eggk-47
MenoXD Eggk-47
15 Minutes Watched In The Shell Shockers Category of Twitch Drops Available during Week 2 of Twitch Drops 6 0.47.6
58 Alien Eggk47
Alien Eggk-47
500000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (0.48.4-) First added in The Outta This World Update

Fun Fact: It is the first premium weapon that can be bought with Golden Eggs and is currently the most expensive item ever sold in the shop, along with the Keytar Melee.

59 Spore Eggk-47
Spore Eggk47
Can be obtained by getting an item code for this item and redeeming it. Added in the Turkey Takedown Update

This item can be obtained through content creator giveaways.

This item, and the other Spore weapons were all designed by the current Content Creator Mascot, ัฆ๊ฎช๊ญฒ๊ญฑ๊ญบ.

60 2025 Eggk-47
2025 Eggk-47
2000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop (New Year's Event) Sold in the shop during the New Year 2025 Event. 0.50.6
61 Sleigh Eggk-47
Sleigh Eggk-47
To get the Item you needed to be signed in on this Shell Shockers Page. This item was emailed to subscribers of the New Yolker on Christmas Day of 2024. 0.50.6


  • [[File:Legacy Eggk47.png|thumb|Old appearance of Soldier before Version 0.25.5]]Before Version 0.25.5 (November 2019), when classes and guns were distinct from each other, the EggK-47 was referred to as "Soldier" in the menu, and "EggK-47" only when it was being used in-game.
  • The Tri-Hard gun is based off the EggK-47 with same textures, shape, and accuracy. The only two differences is that the Tri-Hard's clip is at the rear, the gun is red and it can only fire three bullets at a time and the damage is higher at middle range.


Tip of the day about Soldier Class
  • The tip has changed and now it says: "The Eggk-47 is more accurate if you fire in bursts."