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Shell Shockers Wiki
Shell Shockers Wiki

See also: BasketBros Event, WrestleBros Event, and SoccerBros Event

The FootballBros Event was an event in Shell Shockers that occurred in September of 2024. This event brought limited edition FootballBros hats and stamps into the Shop for the second half of September only, while also introducing a limited edition Premium item, the Raiders Garb. It did not introduce a new map. The developers also did an engine update during this time. New lighting across Maps, Inventory, and Shop!

During the two week period of the event, Blue Wizard Digital also hosted a Shell Shockers-Football Bros crossover event in the BWD Discord server. Communityb members had the option to sign up and do one-on-one matches (round robin tournament). 1st Place would be able to NAME OR DICTATE a play in, and get any one skin in Shell Shockers and the desired Compmaster Server Role in the server. Second place received a Flame skin of their choise, and third place received a Satellite Hat. The top 10 received a special discord role to commemorate the tournament and an egg bounty prize.

FootballBros Event Items
Item Name Item Image How to obtain it Other Notes Version Added
The Raiders Garb
The Raiders Garb
$4 USD in the Shop (Free with VIP) Added during Football Bros update 0.50.0
The Guardian
The Guardian
2000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop Added during Football Bros update 0.50.0
Shell Shoulders
Shell Shoulders
2000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop Added during Football Bros update 0.50.0
Pixel Football Stamp
Pixel Football Stamp
100 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop

(Limited-Time Sale)

Added during the FootballBros update 0.50.0
Football Bros Logo Stamp
Football Bros Logo Stamp
250 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop

(Limited-Time Sale)

Added during the FootballBros update 0.50.0
Quarterback Stamp
Quarterback Stamp
1000 Golden Eggs icon in the Shop

(Limited-Time Sale)

Added during the FootballBros update 0.50.0