The Photobooth is a Shell Shockers feature, accessible in the Shell Shockers inventory. It was added on June 1st, 2023 as part of the Shellfie Update. By clicking the Photobooth button (located under the Redeem Code button), the player could open the photobooth feature (pictured at right). There are many features within the Photobooth, including the ability to test different loadouts, project them on various Shell Shockers backgrounds, and download and save a picture of the loadout to share with others.
How to Use[]
- At the left of the photobooth, the player has a few options. The background button allows the player to choose the background for their avatar, including the map Scales and a solid red background. The egg size button allows the player to choose the size of their egg, from normal, medium, and large. The show/hide button allows the player to choose which of the six customizable items (primary, secondary, hat, stamp, grenade, melee) the egg avatar would hold (depending on what the player selected, various items could be on different parts of the egg). The take photo button takes a picture of the egg avatar (along with the background if the player selected one) and allows the player to download the picture.
- Some weapons and skins can be taken off by clicking on the weapons icons underneath the egg size button.
- In the middle of the photobooth, the player can change the direction the egg is facing by moving the cursor in the way they want it to face. Clicking the egg will crack the egg progressively.
- At the right of the photobooth, the player can choose which gun skin their egg is using (similar to that of the inventory) and also close the photobooth feature.
- You can also take the photo on the bottom of the instructions.
- You cannot move yourself around your chosen map.
- There used to be "Blue", "Green", and "Red" backgrounds in Photobooth.