Shell Shockers Wiki

Shipyard is a map on Shell Shockers. It can hold 18 players. It is a fairly large map, and has many features. The map is spectator friendly, with invisible barriers on the edges. It was in the public map pool for a very long time before finally being added to the private map pool in Version 0.39.8. Spawn camping is a good tactic on this map. The Blue team can spawn in the area of the small building and red in the entrance to the bunker.


The main feature on this map are the buildings. There is one enormous building in the center of the map, and a smaller one to the left of it. They can both be accessed by ladder, and are useful for snipers. Another striking feature are the large amounts of sniper nests on the map edges. The towers are made up of shipping containers and vary in size. Everyone of them is accessible by ladder except the tallest one which can be accessed by the tunnel which is accessible by a ladder on the red side. The tunnel has many blind corners and can be used to ambush players and camp as a team if you have to spatula with a sniper, (Capture The Spatula only). However, the tower is very important because it provides an overview of half the map.

The Basement[]

There is only on entrance to the bunker so it is good to camp as a whole team here. At the end of the bunker is a ladder leading to the biggest container. It cannot be accessed except the tunnel. It give a good view and should be a place to snipe.

