Shell Shockers Wiki

Version 0.20.0 was a very big update that happened in the first half of 2019. It added two out of the seven guns that we have today in Shell Shockers and it changed the bullet speed, rate of fire, accuracy, and damage.

Patch Notes

New Weapons:

SMEGG (Whipper), submachine gun

Changes to old weapons

EggK-47: 600RPM (+) / 30 DMG (-)

Dozen Gauge (Scrambler) 170 DMG (-) / Accuracy, and range increased.

RPEGG (EggSploder) 140 DMG (-) / Blast radius 2.75 (-)

CSG1 (Free Ranger) 120 RPM (-) / 102 DMG (-) / accuracy very slightly decreased.

Cluck 9mm 450 RPM (-) / 26 DMG (+)

Bullet velocity increased a bit across the board.

Key: RPM = Fire rate per minute, DMG = Maximum Damage

Update 0.20.1 was basically the same but just added two new things so we added it to this page

Fixes for Castle jump exploit

Hitting the very edge of at shell now does at least 10% weapon damage instead of zero.
